Translate handwritten or typed texts from French > English and from English > French, including French-Canadian from Quebec. Experience translating, interpreting verbally, proofreading, writing. Examples:
- Advertising & Marketing, including copy-writing
- Art history
- Banking and financial documents
- Business documents
- Certificates, such as birth, death, marriage, etc.
- Fiction and non-fiction
- Instruction manuals
- IT documents
- Legal documents, including documents used for legal purposes
- Literary documents, including lyrics, poetry
- Manuscripts, including memoirs, correspondence
- Medically-related documents
- Psychology and psychiatry-related documents
- Reports
- Scientific papers
- Scripts
- Sociology-related documents
- Technical documents
- Users guides…and much more
Rates are negotiable based on the particulars of your assignment. And most all fees are negotiated in advance of starting the project, except if the project changes in the course of the assignment. Examples of rates:
- Certified, notarized translation of a handwritten birth certificate – $125+
- Translation of a 2 or 3-word catchy phrase, name, or title (in other words, copywriting) – $350+
- Book-length translation – flat fee
- Reviewing the translation of foreign French or English words in an English or a French-written text – $20-30+ per hour
- Translation of a Court decree – $80+ per page
- Translation of a handwritten memoir not for publication – Flat fee and/or per word
- Translation of 50,000-100,000 consecutive words: $0.05+ per word
- Translation of disconnected words (in other words, a list) – $1+ per word
- Confirming the correct spelling of a French word used in an English context, and vice-versa – Flat fee and/or per hour
- Of the greater than 10,000 persons I have served over the years, not one assignment has been the same. Therefore, my rates vary based on all that is involved. Be prepared to tell me the truth, in advance, what your budget is, how soon you need the translation by, what is its purpose, etc. We will be happy to accommodate and/or negotiate the mutually best rate for all persons involved. Contact Diane – (602) 870-1000, [email protected]
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Hours of operation: Monday through Saturday, 9am to 9pm & by appointment 24/7
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